
Required Responsible Employee Training for Title IX Compliance

As a responsible employee at the University of Hartford, you have a duty and are required to immediately report all allegations of sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking and sexual misconduct. 

As such, this message is to inform all University of Hartford employees of a required online course called: Building Supportive Communities (Vector Solutions). Please complete the 2024 updated course only. This course will be available on Monday, December 2. 

Building Supportive Communities: Clery Act and Title IX on-line training, takes a close look at the issue of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking, in higher education. The due date for completion is Jan. 3, 2025.

Click here to access this required course.

You will receive an email from Vector Solutions, an outside party, to access the course—please note that this is not spam.

*If you have barriers with accessing this course, please let me know:

Thank you for your continued efforts in making our campus community an inclusive and supportive environment and wishing you a restful Thanksgiving Break.

Kenna Grant
Executive Director for Equal Opportunity/Title IX Compliance